The Man who Broke into Auschwitz

The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz is the title of an autobiographical book by Denis Avey, who is a recipient of a British Hero of the Holocaust award. The book was written together with Rob Broomby and published by Hodder in 2011. It carries a foreword by Sir Martin Gilbert. The novelist James Long assisted with research and helped to edit and structure the manuscript. However, since its publication, the book has become a subject of considerable controversy. The head historian at Auschwitz, Piotr Setkiewicz, who conducted his own research, which was confirmed by other historians, Auschwitz former prisoners, and Jewish organisations, came to the conclusion that at least some parts of the story seem highly unlikely and probably never happened.

The Man who Broke into Auschwitz

The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz is the title of an autobiographical book by Denis Avey, who is a recipient of a British Hero of the Holocaust award. The book was written together with Rob Broomby and published by Hodder in 2011. It carries a foreword by Sir Martin Gilbert. The novelist James Long assisted with research and helped to edit and structure the manuscript. However, since its publication, the book has become a subject of considerable controversy. The head historian at Auschwitz, Piotr Setkiewicz, who conducted his own research, which was confirmed by other historians, Auschwitz former prisoners, and Jewish organisations, came to the conclusion that at least some parts of the story seem highly unlikely and probably never happened.