The Mississauga News

Established in 1965, the Mississauga News is part of the Peel and Southwest Division of the Metroland Media Group, a Torstar company. The Bi-weekly newspaper delivers more than 440, 000 copies per week with new content added 16 hours out of the day on its companion website. The online offerings include its print content along with video, blogs and multimedia galleries covering news and events from Mississauga.

The Mississauga News

Established in 1965, the Mississauga News is part of the Peel and Southwest Division of the Metroland Media Group, a Torstar company. The Bi-weekly newspaper delivers more than 440, 000 copies per week with new content added 16 hours out of the day on its companion website. The online offerings include its print content along with video, blogs and multimedia galleries covering news and events from Mississauga.