The Off-Beats

The Off-Beats is a series of animated shorts that was created by Mo Willems (who would later create the Cartoon Network television series Sheep in the Big City). The first episodes were produced as stand-alone short films for Nickelodeon; but after the series was nominated for a cable ACE award, more segments were produced for KaBlam! The series was initially called "The Misfits", but Nickelodeon had Mo Willems change the series' title (and re-animate the intro) at the very last moment before it was first broadcast. The series was the first to end on KaBlam! due to Mo Willems moving to Cartoon Network to work on Sheep in the Big City, which too got canceled after 2 years on the air.

The Off-Beats

The Off-Beats is a series of animated shorts that was created by Mo Willems (who would later create the Cartoon Network television series Sheep in the Big City). The first episodes were produced as stand-alone short films for Nickelodeon; but after the series was nominated for a cable ACE award, more segments were produced for KaBlam! The series was initially called "The Misfits", but Nickelodeon had Mo Willems change the series' title (and re-animate the intro) at the very last moment before it was first broadcast. The series was the first to end on KaBlam! due to Mo Willems moving to Cartoon Network to work on Sheep in the Big City, which too got canceled after 2 years on the air.