The Righteous Mind

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion is a 2012 social psychology book by Jonathan Haidt, in which Haidt describes human morality as it relates to politics and religion. Haidt attempts to reach common ground between liberals and conservatives. Haidt argues that people are too quick to denigrate other points of view without giving those views full consideration. Haidt himself acknowledges that while he has been a liberal all his life, he is now more open to other points of view.

The Righteous Mind

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion is a 2012 social psychology book by Jonathan Haidt, in which Haidt describes human morality as it relates to politics and religion. Haidt attempts to reach common ground between liberals and conservatives. Haidt argues that people are too quick to denigrate other points of view without giving those views full consideration. Haidt himself acknowledges that while he has been a liberal all his life, he is now more open to other points of view.