The Science of Doctor Who

The Science of Doctor Who is a televised lecture by physicist Brian Cox discussing the nature of space and time as related to the science fiction series Doctor Who. Cox covers topics including the nature of black holes, time dilation, time as a dimension in which to travel and the possibilities of alien life. The lecture is held at the Royal Institution's lecture hall and interspersed with small segments of Cox on the TARDIS with the Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith.

The Science of Doctor Who

The Science of Doctor Who is a televised lecture by physicist Brian Cox discussing the nature of space and time as related to the science fiction series Doctor Who. Cox covers topics including the nature of black holes, time dilation, time as a dimension in which to travel and the possibilities of alien life. The lecture is held at the Royal Institution's lecture hall and interspersed with small segments of Cox on the TARDIS with the Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith.