The Song That Never Ends

"The Song That Never Ends" (originally, "The Song That Doesn't End") is a self-referential and infinitely iterative children's song. The song appears in the album Lamb Chop's Sing-Along, Play-Along by puppeteer Shari Lewis. It is a single verse long song, written in an infinite-loop motif in a march style, such that it naturally flows in a cyclical fashion, repeating the same verse over and over. It is still a very popular tune, typically sung during long car journeys. The song was written by writer/composer Norman Martin in 1988.

The Song That Never Ends

"The Song That Never Ends" (originally, "The Song That Doesn't End") is a self-referential and infinitely iterative children's song. The song appears in the album Lamb Chop's Sing-Along, Play-Along by puppeteer Shari Lewis. It is a single verse long song, written in an infinite-loop motif in a march style, such that it naturally flows in a cyclical fashion, repeating the same verse over and over. It is still a very popular tune, typically sung during long car journeys. The song was written by writer/composer Norman Martin in 1988.