The Trouble with Girls (comics)

The Trouble with Girls is an American comic book published serially from 1987–1993 by Malibu Comics/Eternity Comics, Comico, and Epic Comics. It was written by Will Jacobs and Gerard Jones, and drawn by Tim Hamilton and others. Hamilton's clean, linear art evokes classic superhero comics. In one four-page set piece, Apache Dick, a Girls analogue who loves the high life, launches an escape that starts with pole-vaulting the Great Wall of China and ends with him crawling from the smoking wreckage of a kamikaze plane muttering only, "the bungalow."

The Trouble with Girls (comics)

The Trouble with Girls is an American comic book published serially from 1987–1993 by Malibu Comics/Eternity Comics, Comico, and Epic Comics. It was written by Will Jacobs and Gerard Jones, and drawn by Tim Hamilton and others. Hamilton's clean, linear art evokes classic superhero comics. In one four-page set piece, Apache Dick, a Girls analogue who loves the high life, launches an escape that starts with pole-vaulting the Great Wall of China and ends with him crawling from the smoking wreckage of a kamikaze plane muttering only, "the bungalow."