The Untitled Kartik Krishnan Project

The Untitled Kartik Krishnan Project is a 2010 Indian film produced and directed by independent filmmaker Srinivas Sunderrajan. It is a Hindi-English drama-thriller film with English subtitles shot on HDV in black-and-white. It is touted as India's first Mumble Core film. The film was shot entirely on location in Mumbai, India. It was screened at the 2010 Mumbai International Film Festival in the New Faces of Indian Cinema Section on 26 October 2010 and on 5 June 2011 at Transylvania International Film Festival in competition

The Untitled Kartik Krishnan Project

The Untitled Kartik Krishnan Project is a 2010 Indian film produced and directed by independent filmmaker Srinivas Sunderrajan. It is a Hindi-English drama-thriller film with English subtitles shot on HDV in black-and-white. It is touted as India's first Mumble Core film. The film was shot entirely on location in Mumbai, India. It was screened at the 2010 Mumbai International Film Festival in the New Faces of Indian Cinema Section on 26 October 2010 and on 5 June 2011 at Transylvania International Film Festival in competition