The World Below

The World Below is a science fiction novel by author S. Fowler Wright. It was first published in 1929 by Collins. The novel was originally intended as a trilogy, however, the third part was never written. The first part was originally published separately as The Amphibians by Merton Press in 1924. The second part was published separately by Galaxy Science Fiction Novels in 1951 and was also titled The Worlds Below.

The World Below

The World Below is a science fiction novel by author S. Fowler Wright. It was first published in 1929 by Collins. The novel was originally intended as a trilogy, however, the third part was never written. The first part was originally published separately as The Amphibians by Merton Press in 1924. The second part was published separately by Galaxy Science Fiction Novels in 1951 and was also titled The Worlds Below.