
Thocomerius, also Tihomir, was the father of Basarab, who would become the first independent voivode of Wallachia. Many Romanian historians, such as Vlad Georgescu and Marcel Popa, believe that Thocomerius was a voivode in Wallachia who succeeded Bărbat, who ruled around 1278; others, such as Tudor Sălăgean, refer to him as a local potentate whose status cannot be specified. Thocomerius' name is only known from a diploma issued by King Charles I of Hungary on 26 November 1332. The diploma refers to "the schismatic Basarab, son of Thocomerius."


Thocomerius, also Tihomir, was the father of Basarab, who would become the first independent voivode of Wallachia. Many Romanian historians, such as Vlad Georgescu and Marcel Popa, believe that Thocomerius was a voivode in Wallachia who succeeded Bărbat, who ruled around 1278; others, such as Tudor Sălăgean, refer to him as a local potentate whose status cannot be specified. Thocomerius' name is only known from a diploma issued by King Charles I of Hungary on 26 November 1332. The diploma refers to "the schismatic Basarab, son of Thocomerius."