Titus Julius Balbillus

Titus Julius Balbillus (flourished second half of the 2nd century & first half of the 3rd century) was an Emesene Assyrian Aristocrat from the Royal family of Emesa in Roman Syria who served as a Priest of the cult of El-Gebal in Rome during the reigns of the Severan Roman emperors Lucius Septimius Severus, reign 193-211 and Caracalla, reign 211-217. El-Gebal is the Aramaic name for the Syrian Sun God.

Titus Julius Balbillus

Titus Julius Balbillus (flourished second half of the 2nd century & first half of the 3rd century) was an Emesene Assyrian Aristocrat from the Royal family of Emesa in Roman Syria who served as a Priest of the cult of El-Gebal in Rome during the reigns of the Severan Roman emperors Lucius Septimius Severus, reign 193-211 and Caracalla, reign 211-217. El-Gebal is the Aramaic name for the Syrian Sun God.