To Hell You Ride

To Hell You Ride is a 5 issues comic-book series written by Lance Henriksen (Millennium (TV series), Aliens (franchise), Near Dark) and Joseph Maddrey (Nightmares in Red, White and Blue), with art by Tom Mandrake, published by Dark Horse Comics, 2012-2013. To Hell You Ride is a horror story that takes place in a mountain town of Colorado.

To Hell You Ride

To Hell You Ride is a 5 issues comic-book series written by Lance Henriksen (Millennium (TV series), Aliens (franchise), Near Dark) and Joseph Maddrey (Nightmares in Red, White and Blue), with art by Tom Mandrake, published by Dark Horse Comics, 2012-2013. To Hell You Ride is a horror story that takes place in a mountain town of Colorado.