Traianopolis (Phrygia)

Traianopolis, Trajanopolis, Tranopolis, or Tranupolis (Greek: Τραϊανούπολις) was a Roman and Byzantine city in Phrygia Pacatiana Prima. Trajanopolis has been variously identified; Radet locates it at Çarikköy, about three miles from Giaurören towards the south-east, on the road from Uşak to Suzusköy, a village abounding in sculptures, marbles and fountains, where the name of the city may be read on the inscriptions. However, Ramsay continues to identify Trajanopolis with Giaurören.

Traianopolis (Phrygia)

Traianopolis, Trajanopolis, Tranopolis, or Tranupolis (Greek: Τραϊανούπολις) was a Roman and Byzantine city in Phrygia Pacatiana Prima. Trajanopolis has been variously identified; Radet locates it at Çarikköy, about three miles from Giaurören towards the south-east, on the road from Uşak to Suzusköy, a village abounding in sculptures, marbles and fountains, where the name of the city may be read on the inscriptions. However, Ramsay continues to identify Trajanopolis with Giaurören.