Trains of Winnipeg

Trains of Winnipeg is a film and multimedia art project by Clive Holden, released in stages between 2001 and 2004. The final project included a series of 14 short films, designed as visual representations of Holden's poetry, as well as a soundtrack CD and a book. The short films were scored by Emily Goodden, Christine Fellows, Jason Tait and Steve Bates; additional contributors on the CD included John K. Samson and Leanne Zacharias, as well as an archival recording of Al Purdy. The film series won the New Vision Award at the 2005 Copenhagen International Documentary Festival.

Trains of Winnipeg

Trains of Winnipeg is a film and multimedia art project by Clive Holden, released in stages between 2001 and 2004. The final project included a series of 14 short films, designed as visual representations of Holden's poetry, as well as a soundtrack CD and a book. The short films were scored by Emily Goodden, Christine Fellows, Jason Tait and Steve Bates; additional contributors on the CD included John K. Samson and Leanne Zacharias, as well as an archival recording of Al Purdy. The film series won the New Vision Award at the 2005 Copenhagen International Documentary Festival.