Transfer market

The transfer market is the arena in which football players are available for transfer to clubs. The transfer market consists of a transfer list consisting of players available for transfer, and also the money moving between clubs. For example, a club may be described as having "money to spend on the transfer market" or the market may be described in similar ways to the stock market. The European transfer market is open between the end of the season and 31 August, and again for a short period in midwinter, the 'transfer window'. During the transfer window clubs buy replacements for players who have suffered injuries or strengthen their squads in preparation either for an attempt to advance in a tournament or in anticipation of an upcoming struggle against relegation.

Transfer market

The transfer market is the arena in which football players are available for transfer to clubs. The transfer market consists of a transfer list consisting of players available for transfer, and also the money moving between clubs. For example, a club may be described as having "money to spend on the transfer market" or the market may be described in similar ways to the stock market. The European transfer market is open between the end of the season and 31 August, and again for a short period in midwinter, the 'transfer window'. During the transfer window clubs buy replacements for players who have suffered injuries or strengthen their squads in preparation either for an attempt to advance in a tournament or in anticipation of an upcoming struggle against relegation.