Trochocarpa thymifolia

Trochocarpa thymifolia is a common montane and subalpine shrub from the plant family Ericaceae (originally Epacridaceae). Originally described by botanist Robert Brown in 1810, it is a widespread Tasmanian endemic that inhabits mountain regions. It is named after its characteristic thyme-like leaves, and due to its delicate pendulus flower-spikes is known colloquially as 'Delicate Trochocarpa'. The species is synonymous with: Decaspora thymifolia and Decaspora oxycoccoides, and commonly confused with Trochocarpa parvifolia (current taxon: Acrotriche parviflora).

Trochocarpa thymifolia

Trochocarpa thymifolia is a common montane and subalpine shrub from the plant family Ericaceae (originally Epacridaceae). Originally described by botanist Robert Brown in 1810, it is a widespread Tasmanian endemic that inhabits mountain regions. It is named after its characteristic thyme-like leaves, and due to its delicate pendulus flower-spikes is known colloquially as 'Delicate Trochocarpa'. The species is synonymous with: Decaspora thymifolia and Decaspora oxycoccoides, and commonly confused with Trochocarpa parvifolia (current taxon: Acrotriche parviflora).