True and Free Seventh-day Adventists

The True and Free Seventh-day Adventists (TFSDA) are a splinter group formed as the result of a schism within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Europe during World War I over the position its European church leaders took, whose most well known leader was Vladimir Shelkov. TFSDA members are part of the Sabbatarian adventist movement, and believe that as a result of the decisions the European church leaders took, the Seventh-day Adventist Church had apostatized and had become "Babylon". The group related its origins to the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement which formed in Germany during the period of World War I, when its European church leaders determined it was permissible for Adventists to bear arms and serve in the military, and to disregard the Sabbath during the war, which went a

True and Free Seventh-day Adventists

The True and Free Seventh-day Adventists (TFSDA) are a splinter group formed as the result of a schism within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Europe during World War I over the position its European church leaders took, whose most well known leader was Vladimir Shelkov. TFSDA members are part of the Sabbatarian adventist movement, and believe that as a result of the decisions the European church leaders took, the Seventh-day Adventist Church had apostatized and had become "Babylon". The group related its origins to the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement which formed in Germany during the period of World War I, when its European church leaders determined it was permissible for Adventists to bear arms and serve in the military, and to disregard the Sabbath during the war, which went a