Tuborg GreenFest

Tuborg GreenFest is an annual series of rock music events that takes place in a few European countries during the summer months. Since 2005, Danish beer makers Tuborg, part of the Carlsberg Group, have brought together well-known rock bands and artists for one-day festivals in Russia, Serbia and Ukraine. 2008 saw concerts held in Bulgaria and Croatia for the first time, and in 2009 GreenFest premiered in Romania. GreenFest borrows its name and image from the popular Tuborg Green beer, a pilsner beer popular with the youth for its long association with music.

Tuborg GreenFest

Tuborg GreenFest is an annual series of rock music events that takes place in a few European countries during the summer months. Since 2005, Danish beer makers Tuborg, part of the Carlsberg Group, have brought together well-known rock bands and artists for one-day festivals in Russia, Serbia and Ukraine. 2008 saw concerts held in Bulgaria and Croatia for the first time, and in 2009 GreenFest premiered in Romania. GreenFest borrows its name and image from the popular Tuborg Green beer, a pilsner beer popular with the youth for its long association with music.