Twelve (2010 film)

Twelve is a 2010 American-French action drama teen film directed by Joel Schumacher. The film was written by Jordan Melamed, adapted from Nick McDonell's novel of the same name. The film, a story of drug addiction, violence, and sex among wealthy teenagers from Manhattan's Upper East Side, was released on August 6, 2010, after several delays, to both critical and commercial failure.

Twelve (2010 film)

Twelve is a 2010 American-French action drama teen film directed by Joel Schumacher. The film was written by Jordan Melamed, adapted from Nick McDonell's novel of the same name. The film, a story of drug addiction, violence, and sex among wealthy teenagers from Manhattan's Upper East Side, was released on August 6, 2010, after several delays, to both critical and commercial failure.