Two Birds (Awake)

"Two Birds" is the twelfth episode of the American television police procedural fantasy drama Awake. The episode premiered on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) on May 17, 2012. In the episode, Michael learns more about the truth of the accident. He tries to get evidence that Ed Hawkins (Kevin Weisman) tried to kill him, and finds out that Hawkins' commanding officer Carl Kessel (Mark Harelik) was also in on this setup.

Two Birds (Awake)

"Two Birds" is the twelfth episode of the American television police procedural fantasy drama Awake. The episode premiered on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) on May 17, 2012. In the episode, Michael learns more about the truth of the accident. He tries to get evidence that Ed Hawkins (Kevin Weisman) tried to kill him, and finds out that Hawkins' commanding officer Carl Kessel (Mark Harelik) was also in on this setup.