Umatilla Chemical Depot

The Umatilla Chemical Depot, (UMCD) based in Umatilla, Oregon, was a U.S. Army installation in the United States that stored chemical weapons. The chemical weapons originally stored at the depot consisted of various munitions and 1 short ton (2,000 lb; 910 kg) containers containing GB and VX nerve agents and HD blister agent. All munitions had been safely destroyed by 2011 and base closure operations were expected to be completed by 2015.

Umatilla Chemical Depot

The Umatilla Chemical Depot, (UMCD) based in Umatilla, Oregon, was a U.S. Army installation in the United States that stored chemical weapons. The chemical weapons originally stored at the depot consisted of various munitions and 1 short ton (2,000 lb; 910 kg) containers containing GB and VX nerve agents and HD blister agent. All munitions had been safely destroyed by 2011 and base closure operations were expected to be completed by 2015.