Union of the Left (Poland)

The Union of the Left (Polish: Unia Lewicy, UL) is a minor social-democratic political party in Poland founded on 20 March 2005 through the union of several left-wing organisations, including Worker's Democracy, Young Socialists (Młodzi Socjaliści). Their initial target was to eliminate the far-right All-Polish Youth and provide a left-wing alternative to the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD). The party is supported by the "Democratic Women's Union" (Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet), Polish LGBT rights groups, and several small left-wing organisations.

Union of the Left (Poland)

The Union of the Left (Polish: Unia Lewicy, UL) is a minor social-democratic political party in Poland founded on 20 March 2005 through the union of several left-wing organisations, including Worker's Democracy, Young Socialists (Młodzi Socjaliści). Their initial target was to eliminate the far-right All-Polish Youth and provide a left-wing alternative to the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD). The party is supported by the "Democratic Women's Union" (Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet), Polish LGBT rights groups, and several small left-wing organisations.