United Nations Security Council Resolution 277

United Nations Security Council Resolution 277, adopted on March 18, 1970, the Council reaffirmed its previous resolutions and noted with grave concern that efforts thus far to bring the rebellion to the end had failed, some countries (Portugal and South Africa mentioned specifically) had not been obeying the Council's resolutions and that the situation in Southern Rhodesia continued to deteriorate as a result of the regime's new measures. The resolution was adopted near unanimously, while Spain abstained.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 277

United Nations Security Council Resolution 277, adopted on March 18, 1970, the Council reaffirmed its previous resolutions and noted with grave concern that efforts thus far to bring the rebellion to the end had failed, some countries (Portugal and South Africa mentioned specifically) had not been obeying the Council's resolutions and that the situation in Southern Rhodesia continued to deteriorate as a result of the regime's new measures. The resolution was adopted near unanimously, while Spain abstained.