Vacuum grease

Vacuum grease is a lubricant with low volatility and is used for applications in low pressure environments. Lubricants with higher volatility would evaporate, causing two problems: * They would not be present to provide lubrication. * They would make lowering the pressure below their vapor pressure difficult. In electronics manufacturing processes, vacuum grease is often used to prevent corrosion. One of the early vacuum greases is the Ramsay grease.

Vacuum grease

Vacuum grease is a lubricant with low volatility and is used for applications in low pressure environments. Lubricants with higher volatility would evaporate, causing two problems: * They would not be present to provide lubrication. * They would make lowering the pressure below their vapor pressure difficult. In electronics manufacturing processes, vacuum grease is often used to prevent corrosion. One of the early vacuum greases is the Ramsay grease.