
VisLab is an Italian company working on computer vision and environmental perception for vehicular applications. VisLab (i.e. the Artificial Vision and Intelligent Systems Laboratory) was funded in the early 90s as a research laboratory of University of Parma, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione. It started its activities in 1990, with its involvement within theEureka PROMETHEUS Project. Since then the research group focused on vehicular applications.VisLab is regarded as one of the leading centers for computer vision applied to vehicles.


VisLab is an Italian company working on computer vision and environmental perception for vehicular applications. VisLab (i.e. the Artificial Vision and Intelligent Systems Laboratory) was funded in the early 90s as a research laboratory of University of Parma, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione. It started its activities in 1990, with its involvement within theEureka PROMETHEUS Project. Since then the research group focused on vehicular applications.VisLab is regarded as one of the leading centers for computer vision applied to vehicles.