Vlaho Kabužić

Vlaho Kabužić (Latin: Blasius Caboga, Italian: Biagio Caboga) (27. December 1698 – 1750), was a Croatian nobleman and diplomat from the Republic of Ragusa. He was a member of the influential Kabužić noble family. He is known for being poklisar harača (ambassador of kharaj), the man who brought the money from Dubrovnik to pay regular annual tribute to the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul.

Vlaho Kabužić

Vlaho Kabužić (Latin: Blasius Caboga, Italian: Biagio Caboga) (27. December 1698 – 1750), was a Croatian nobleman and diplomat from the Republic of Ragusa. He was a member of the influential Kabužić noble family. He is known for being poklisar harača (ambassador of kharaj), the man who brought the money from Dubrovnik to pay regular annual tribute to the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul.