Western Marxism

Western Marxism is a body of various Marxist theoreticians based in Western and Central Europe, in contrast with philosophy in the Soviet Union. György Lukács's History and Class Consciousness and Karl Korsch's Marxism and Philosophy, first published in 1923, are often seen as the works that inaugurated this current of thought. The phrase "Western Marxism" was coined by Maurice Merleau-Ponty at a much later date, 1953. Antonio Gramsci is also of great significance, though many of his writings were not translated into English until comparatively late, with "Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci" appearing in 1978.

Western Marxism

Western Marxism is a body of various Marxist theoreticians based in Western and Central Europe, in contrast with philosophy in the Soviet Union. György Lukács's History and Class Consciousness and Karl Korsch's Marxism and Philosophy, first published in 1923, are often seen as the works that inaugurated this current of thought. The phrase "Western Marxism" was coined by Maurice Merleau-Ponty at a much later date, 1953. Antonio Gramsci is also of great significance, though many of his writings were not translated into English until comparatively late, with "Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci" appearing in 1978.