Whale Adventure

Whale Adventure is a 1960 children's book by the Canadian-born American author Willard Price featuring his "Adventure" series characters, Hal and Roger Hunt. The novel depicts Hal and Roger's journey on a whaling ship with anachronistic, nineteenth century features such as harpooning by hand, hard tack, the brig, and keel-hauling. Price borrows the setting and many key events from Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. Roger defends a captured sperm whale against a group of sharks and later a pack of killer whales. This novel also explain how clever killer whales are.

Whale Adventure

Whale Adventure is a 1960 children's book by the Canadian-born American author Willard Price featuring his "Adventure" series characters, Hal and Roger Hunt. The novel depicts Hal and Roger's journey on a whaling ship with anachronistic, nineteenth century features such as harpooning by hand, hard tack, the brig, and keel-hauling. Price borrows the setting and many key events from Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. Roger defends a captured sperm whale against a group of sharks and later a pack of killer whales. This novel also explain how clever killer whales are.