Who are the Mind Benders?

Who are the Mind Benders? (full title: Who are the Mind Benders?: The people who rule Britain through control of the mass media) is a 1997 publication by Nick Griffin which was printed and distributed by the British National Party. The booklet outlines a Jewish conspiracy whereby Jews control the media in Britain and use this position to brainwash the [white] British population. Griffin claims for instance that Jews are responsible for “providing us with an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash”. The book is based upon American neo-Nazi Dr William Pierce's work Who Rules America? and also drew on the anti-Semitic forgery the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Who are the Mind Benders? has been criticised for its overtly anti-Semitic content. Prominent Jews menti

Who are the Mind Benders?

Who are the Mind Benders? (full title: Who are the Mind Benders?: The people who rule Britain through control of the mass media) is a 1997 publication by Nick Griffin which was printed and distributed by the British National Party. The booklet outlines a Jewish conspiracy whereby Jews control the media in Britain and use this position to brainwash the [white] British population. Griffin claims for instance that Jews are responsible for “providing us with an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash”. The book is based upon American neo-Nazi Dr William Pierce's work Who Rules America? and also drew on the anti-Semitic forgery the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Who are the Mind Benders? has been criticised for its overtly anti-Semitic content. Prominent Jews menti