
Whoscall is a caller ID and number management mobile application developed by Gogolook, a division of the mega Korean IT company NHN. The app identifies incoming call as the call comes in allowing users to identify important business calls and filter out unwanted callers. It also includes number management features, number and keyword blocks, an offline database, and is available across the Android, Windows Phone and iOS platforms.. It is completely free with no additional in-app or upgrade purchases. It was selected as Google Play’s Best Apps of 2013 in 8 countries across Asia.


Whoscall is a caller ID and number management mobile application developed by Gogolook, a division of the mega Korean IT company NHN. The app identifies incoming call as the call comes in allowing users to identify important business calls and filter out unwanted callers. It also includes number management features, number and keyword blocks, an offline database, and is available across the Android, Windows Phone and iOS platforms.. It is completely free with no additional in-app or upgrade purchases. It was selected as Google Play’s Best Apps of 2013 in 8 countries across Asia.