Witch World

Witch World is a speculative fiction project of Andre Norton, inaugurated by her 1963 novel Witch World and continuing more than four decades. Beginning in the mid-1980s when she was about 75 years old, Norton recruited many other writers to the project, and some books were published only after her death in 2005. The Witch World setting is one planet in a parallel universe where magic long ago superseded science; early in the fictional history it is performed exclusively by women. The series began as a hybrid of science fiction and sword and sorcery but for the most part it combines the latter with high fantasy.

Witch World

Witch World is a speculative fiction project of Andre Norton, inaugurated by her 1963 novel Witch World and continuing more than four decades. Beginning in the mid-1980s when she was about 75 years old, Norton recruited many other writers to the project, and some books were published only after her death in 2005. The Witch World setting is one planet in a parallel universe where magic long ago superseded science; early in the fictional history it is performed exclusively by women. The series began as a hybrid of science fiction and sword and sorcery but for the most part it combines the latter with high fantasy.