Women's Party (Poland)

The Women's Party (Polish: Partia Kobiet, PK) is a Polish political party which claims to represent the interests and concerns of women. It was registered on 11 January 2007 and is led by Iwona Piątek. In the 21 October 2007 National Assembly election, the party won 0.28% of the popular vote and no seats in the Sejm or the Senate of Poland.

Women's Party (Poland)

The Women's Party (Polish: Partia Kobiet, PK) is a Polish political party which claims to represent the interests and concerns of women. It was registered on 11 January 2007 and is led by Iwona Piątek. In the 21 October 2007 National Assembly election, the party won 0.28% of the popular vote and no seats in the Sejm or the Senate of Poland.