Women in Islam

There are numerous factors which determine the position of women in Islam; given the immense geographical and cultural diversity of the world's Muslim population. Nevertheless, there are certain texts, laws and cultural influences which are common throughout most of the Islamic world and which play a vital role in defining the social, spiritual and cosmological significance of women. These include Islam's sacred text, the Qu'ran; the Ḥadīths, which are traditions relating to the deeds and aphorisms of the Prophet Muḥammad; ijmā', which is a consensus, expressed or tacit, on a question of law; qiyās, the principle by which the laws of the Qu'ran and the Sunnah or Prophetic custom are applied to situations not explicitly covered by these two sources of legislation; and fatwas, non-binding pu

Women in Islam

There are numerous factors which determine the position of women in Islam; given the immense geographical and cultural diversity of the world's Muslim population. Nevertheless, there are certain texts, laws and cultural influences which are common throughout most of the Islamic world and which play a vital role in defining the social, spiritual and cosmological significance of women. These include Islam's sacred text, the Qu'ran; the Ḥadīths, which are traditions relating to the deeds and aphorisms of the Prophet Muḥammad; ijmā', which is a consensus, expressed or tacit, on a question of law; qiyās, the principle by which the laws of the Qu'ran and the Sunnah or Prophetic custom are applied to situations not explicitly covered by these two sources of legislation; and fatwas, non-binding pu