Ying Wa College

Ying Wa College (also referred to as YWC, Anglo-Chinese College, Chinese: 英華書院) is a direct subsidised boys' secondary school in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It was established in Malacca in 1818 by the first Protestant missionary to China, Rev. Robert Morrison. In 1843, the college was moved to Hong Kong. The College Deed, signed in 1821, stated that the objective of the school was the reciprocal cultivation of English and Chinese literature as well as the diffusion of Christianity (Chinese: 促進中西方學術交流,並廣傳基督福音). These aims remain today in the context of a very different world.

Ying Wa College

Ying Wa College (also referred to as YWC, Anglo-Chinese College, Chinese: 英華書院) is a direct subsidised boys' secondary school in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It was established in Malacca in 1818 by the first Protestant missionary to China, Rev. Robert Morrison. In 1843, the college was moved to Hong Kong. The College Deed, signed in 1821, stated that the objective of the school was the reciprocal cultivation of English and Chinese literature as well as the diffusion of Christianity (Chinese: 促進中西方學術交流,並廣傳基督福音). These aims remain today in the context of a very different world.