Yokota family

The Yokota family, husband Shigeru (born November 14, 1932) and wife Sakie (born February 4, 1936) along with their twins sons Takuya and Testuya founded the Japanese National Association for the Rescue of Japanese Kidnapped by North Korea in 1997. The Association supports the victims of North Korea's abductions of Japanese citizens in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The Yokotas' daughter Megumi was kidnapped in 1977 by North Korean spies. In 2014, the Yokotas meet Megumi's Korean daughter

Yokota family

The Yokota family, husband Shigeru (born November 14, 1932) and wife Sakie (born February 4, 1936) along with their twins sons Takuya and Testuya founded the Japanese National Association for the Rescue of Japanese Kidnapped by North Korea in 1997. The Association supports the victims of North Korea's abductions of Japanese citizens in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The Yokotas' daughter Megumi was kidnapped in 1977 by North Korean spies. In 2014, the Yokotas meet Megumi's Korean daughter