Yulia Sister

Yulia Sister (Hebrew: יוליה סיסטר‎‎, Russian: Юлия Давидовна Систер; born September 12, 1936 in Chişinău, Bessarabia, Romania) is a Soviet Moldavian and Israeli chemist-analyst engaged in chemical research with the use of polarography and chromatography, a science historian, and a researcher of Russian Jewry in Israel, France and other countries. She holds the position of Director General of the Research Centre for Russian Jews abroad and in Israel.

Yulia Sister

Yulia Sister (Hebrew: יוליה סיסטר‎‎, Russian: Юлия Давидовна Систер; born September 12, 1936 in Chişinău, Bessarabia, Romania) is a Soviet Moldavian and Israeli chemist-analyst engaged in chemical research with the use of polarography and chromatography, a science historian, and a researcher of Russian Jewry in Israel, France and other countries. She holds the position of Director General of the Research Centre for Russian Jews abroad and in Israel.