Z213: Exit

Z213: Exit is the first installment of the Poena Damni trilogy by Greek writer Dimitris Lyacos. Despite being first in narrative order, the book was the third to be published of the three. The work develops as a sequence of diary entries recording the solitary experiences of an unnamed, Ulysses-like persona in the course of a train voyage gradually transformed into an inner exploration of the boundaries between self and reality. The voyage is also akin to the experience of a religious quest with a variety of biblical references, mostly from the Old Testament, being embedded into the text which is often fractured and foregoing punctuation. Most critics place Z213: Exit in a postmodern context exploring relationships with such writers as Samuel Beckett and Cormac McCarthy while others underl

Z213: Exit

Z213: Exit is the first installment of the Poena Damni trilogy by Greek writer Dimitris Lyacos. Despite being first in narrative order, the book was the third to be published of the three. The work develops as a sequence of diary entries recording the solitary experiences of an unnamed, Ulysses-like persona in the course of a train voyage gradually transformed into an inner exploration of the boundaries between self and reality. The voyage is also akin to the experience of a religious quest with a variety of biblical references, mostly from the Old Testament, being embedded into the text which is often fractured and foregoing punctuation. Most critics place Z213: Exit in a postmodern context exploring relationships with such writers as Samuel Beckett and Cormac McCarthy while others underl