Zebra Three

Zebra Three is a radio code name, more accurately known as a call sign, given by the fictional "Bay City, California" police department of the iconic 1970s television series Starsky & Hutch to Robbery-Homicide Division detectives David Starsky and Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson; the BCPD was loosely based upon the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) . The "Zebra" part of their call sign refers to them being a geographic patrol unit assigned to a special detail; however, the LAPD normally does this with uniformed officers. Several Los Angeles locations were used for "Bay City", and uniformed police officers were seen wearing "BCPD" shoulder patches. Fans of the show applied the code name as a nickname for the Ford Gran Torino that Starsky owned; the general public picked up on it, and the car

Zebra Three

Zebra Three is a radio code name, more accurately known as a call sign, given by the fictional "Bay City, California" police department of the iconic 1970s television series Starsky & Hutch to Robbery-Homicide Division detectives David Starsky and Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson; the BCPD was loosely based upon the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) . The "Zebra" part of their call sign refers to them being a geographic patrol unit assigned to a special detail; however, the LAPD normally does this with uniformed officers. Several Los Angeles locations were used for "Bay City", and uniformed police officers were seen wearing "BCPD" shoulder patches. Fans of the show applied the code name as a nickname for the Ford Gran Torino that Starsky owned; the general public picked up on it, and the car