Zeuxippus (mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Zeuxippus (Ζεύξιππος) may refer to: * Zeuxippus, son of Apollo and the nymph Syllis (or Hyllis, daughter of Hyllus and Iole). He succeeded Phaestus as the king of Sicyon, and was in turn succeeded by Hippolytus. * Zeuxippus, father of Pieris or Tereis, herself mother of Megapenthes by Menelaus. * Zeuxippus, son of Eumelus and grandson of Admetus. His own son was Harmenius, himself father of Henioche.

Zeuxippus (mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Zeuxippus (Ζεύξιππος) may refer to: * Zeuxippus, son of Apollo and the nymph Syllis (or Hyllis, daughter of Hyllus and Iole). He succeeded Phaestus as the king of Sicyon, and was in turn succeeded by Hippolytus. * Zeuxippus, father of Pieris or Tereis, herself mother of Megapenthes by Menelaus. * Zeuxippus, son of Eumelus and grandson of Admetus. His own son was Harmenius, himself father of Henioche.