Zhang Shijie

Zhang Shijie (Chinese: 張世傑) was a 13th-century Chinese admiral and government official during the Mongol invasion of China. Born to a prosperous family in Hebei, Zhang's family moved into Song territory because his father had committed a crime in Jin. Zhang Shijie gained his position after passing his civil service examination, eventually becoming a successful administrator overseeing civil, military, and naval duties for the Southern Song. After the fall of the capital Lin'an (modern day Hangzhou), Zhang commanded the Song naval forces during the Mongol invasion of China in 1276, and served as the last commander of the Song fleet, during the attempt to escort Emperor Bing of Song and other Imperial officials as they fled the Mongols in 1279. However, Zhang's fleet was intercepted by Mongo

Zhang Shijie

Zhang Shijie (Chinese: 張世傑) was a 13th-century Chinese admiral and government official during the Mongol invasion of China. Born to a prosperous family in Hebei, Zhang's family moved into Song territory because his father had committed a crime in Jin. Zhang Shijie gained his position after passing his civil service examination, eventually becoming a successful administrator overseeing civil, military, and naval duties for the Southern Song. After the fall of the capital Lin'an (modern day Hangzhou), Zhang commanded the Song naval forces during the Mongol invasion of China in 1276, and served as the last commander of the Song fleet, during the attempt to escort Emperor Bing of Song and other Imperial officials as they fled the Mongols in 1279. However, Zhang's fleet was intercepted by Mongo