Zhonghua minzu

Zhonghua minzu (Chinese: 中华民族), translated as "Chinese nation" or "Chinese race", is a key political term that is entwined with modern Chinese history of nation-building and race. Since the late 1980s, the most fundamental change of the People's Republic of China's nationalities and minorities policies is the renaming from "the Chinese People" (Chinese: 中国人民 or Zhongguo renmin) to "the Chinese Nation/Nationality" (Zhonghua minzu), signalling a shift from the communist statehood with people of various nationalities to a national statehood based on a single minzu (nation/nationality).

Zhonghua minzu

Zhonghua minzu (Chinese: 中华民族), translated as "Chinese nation" or "Chinese race", is a key political term that is entwined with modern Chinese history of nation-building and race. Since the late 1980s, the most fundamental change of the People's Republic of China's nationalities and minorities policies is the renaming from "the Chinese People" (Chinese: 中国人民 or Zhongguo renmin) to "the Chinese Nation/Nationality" (Zhonghua minzu), signalling a shift from the communist statehood with people of various nationalities to a national statehood based on a single minzu (nation/nationality).