An abstract idea or notion.
An organization or group of individuals and/or other organizations.
Any of the products of artistic or creative endeavour.
An action or occurrence.
A realization of a single work usually in a physical form.
An exemplar of a single manifestation.
The physical embodiment of one or more expressions.
A tangible or material thing.
A location.
One responsible for the creati ...... artistic or creative content.
Something that may serve as the subject of a work.
An abstract notion of an artistic or intellectual creation.
An abridgment of an expression.
An expression that is abridged.
An adaption of a work or expression.
A work or expression that is adapted.
An alternative to a manifestation.
A manifestation that is alternated.
An arrangement of an expression.
An expression that is arranged.
A complement to a work or expression.
A work or expression that is complemented.
An entity in some way responsible for the creation of a work.
A work that was in some way created by of an entity.
A manifestation that embodies an expression.
An expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
An item that is an exemplar of a manifestation.
The manifestation that is exemplified by a item.
An imitation of a work or expression.
A work or expression that is imitated.
An entity that owns an item.
An item that is in some way owned an entity.
A part of an endeavour.
An endeavour incorporating an endeavour.
An entity in some way responsible for producing a manifestation.
A manifestation that was in some way produced an entity.
An expression that is an intellectual or artistic realization of a work.
The work that has been realized by an expression.
An entity in some way responsible for realizing an expression.
An expression that was in some way realized by an entity.
A recongifuration of an item.
An item that is reconfigured.
Another endeavour that is related in some way to an endeavour.
A reproduction of a manifestation or item.
A manifestation or item that is reproduced.
An entity in some way responsible for an endeavour.
An endeavour that is the responsibility of an entity.
A revision of an expression.
An expression that is revised.
A successor to a work or expression.