Advertising Women of New York

Advertising Women of New York, Inc. (AWNY), originally called the League of Advertising Women of New York, was the first organization solely for women in the advertising and communications industry in America. Although women had been members of advertising agencies since the late 19th century, with some women owning their own agencies and trade publications, AWNY was the first official association for advertising women. It would inspire the foundation of several other female advertising organizations around the country.

Advertising Women of New York

Advertising Women of New York, Inc. (AWNY), originally called the League of Advertising Women of New York, was the first organization solely for women in the advertising and communications industry in America. Although women had been members of advertising agencies since the late 19th century, with some women owning their own agencies and trade publications, AWNY was the first official association for advertising women. It would inspire the foundation of several other female advertising organizations around the country.