
Atlantika is a Filipino telefantasya produced by GMA Network about the fictional undersea kingdom of Atlantika. The series premiered on October 2, 2006 and ended on February 9, 2007. A behind-the-scenes introductory special, Atlantika: Ang Lihim ng Karagatan (Atlantika: The Secret of the Seas), was aired on October 1, 2006. The series' tagline is "Two different worlds. One eternal love".


Atlantika is a Filipino telefantasya produced by GMA Network about the fictional undersea kingdom of Atlantika. The series premiered on October 2, 2006 and ended on February 9, 2007. A behind-the-scenes introductory special, Atlantika: Ang Lihim ng Karagatan (Atlantika: The Secret of the Seas), was aired on October 1, 2006. The series' tagline is "Two different worlds. One eternal love".