Bartending school

Bartending school refers to private education businesses that teach individuals the many intricacies of serving customers alcohol from behind a bar. This includes not only classes in such topics as drinks mixology: the intricacies of mixing drinks and drink presentation, and the alcohol laws of the city and state in which the school is situated. It is not required to have a license to bartend. It is required that each bartender pass an Alcohol Certification course for their particular state, which is typically part of the curriculum of a bartending school.

Bartending school

Bartending school refers to private education businesses that teach individuals the many intricacies of serving customers alcohol from behind a bar. This includes not only classes in such topics as drinks mixology: the intricacies of mixing drinks and drink presentation, and the alcohol laws of the city and state in which the school is situated. It is not required to have a license to bartend. It is required that each bartender pass an Alcohol Certification course for their particular state, which is typically part of the curriculum of a bartending school.