Big Red Software

Big Red Software, also known as The Big Red Software Company Ltd, was a computer game developer set up in the UK in 1988 by Paul Ranson. It was bought out by, and merged with, Eidos plc in 1995, along with Simis and Domark, forming Eidos Interactive. In 1997, Paul Ranson resigned and the company changed its name to Corrosive Software. It continued to develop and complete an RTS project for Eidos called Assault Corps - this project was never released. The company was disbanded by Eidos soon thereafter. Many of the survivors of Big Red were mopped up by Blitz Games.

Big Red Software

Big Red Software, also known as The Big Red Software Company Ltd, was a computer game developer set up in the UK in 1988 by Paul Ranson. It was bought out by, and merged with, Eidos plc in 1995, along with Simis and Domark, forming Eidos Interactive. In 1997, Paul Ranson resigned and the company changed its name to Corrosive Software. It continued to develop and complete an RTS project for Eidos called Assault Corps - this project was never released. The company was disbanded by Eidos soon thereafter. Many of the survivors of Big Red were mopped up by Blitz Games.