Black Stations/White Stations

"Black Stations/White Stations" is a song recorded by the Canadian group Martha and the Muffins in 1984 from the album Mystery Walk under the shortened name M+M. The track was the first single to be released after the act became a duo consisting of lead singer Martha Johnson and group founder Mark Gane (hence the shortened name, with the first letter of their first names). The single is a departure from the new wave genre, with emphasis this time around on a Dance/Funk direction, which featured brothers Randy & Michael Brecker and Wayne Mills on horns.

Black Stations/White Stations

"Black Stations/White Stations" is a song recorded by the Canadian group Martha and the Muffins in 1984 from the album Mystery Walk under the shortened name M+M. The track was the first single to be released after the act became a duo consisting of lead singer Martha Johnson and group founder Mark Gane (hence the shortened name, with the first letter of their first names). The single is a departure from the new wave genre, with emphasis this time around on a Dance/Funk direction, which featured brothers Randy & Michael Brecker and Wayne Mills on horns.