Bradley Braves men's basketball

The Bradley Braves men's basketball team represents Bradley University, located in Peoria, Illinois, United States, in NCAA Division I basketball competition. They currently compete in the Missouri Valley Conference. The team last played in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament in 2006, reaching the "Sweet Sixteen". The Braves are currently coached by Brian Wardle. The Bradley Braves men's basketball team plays their home games at Carver Arena (11,442).

Bradley Braves men's basketball

The Bradley Braves men's basketball team represents Bradley University, located in Peoria, Illinois, United States, in NCAA Division I basketball competition. They currently compete in the Missouri Valley Conference. The team last played in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament in 2006, reaching the "Sweet Sixteen". The Braves are currently coached by Brian Wardle. The Bradley Braves men's basketball team plays their home games at Carver Arena (11,442).