Brompton, Kent

Brompton is an old village near Chatham, in Medway, England. Its name means "a farmstead where broom grows" — broom is a small yellow flowering shrub. Today, Brompton is a small residential village between Chatham Dockyard and Gillingham. Gillingham Green was a small village; eventually it, too, was swallowed up, and the name of the whole settlement changed to Gillingham. Brompton Barracks has been home to the Royal Engineers since 1812, and now houses the Royal Engineers Museum. The Royal School of Military Engineering (RSME) is based at Brompton Barracks

Brompton, Kent

Brompton is an old village near Chatham, in Medway, England. Its name means "a farmstead where broom grows" — broom is a small yellow flowering shrub. Today, Brompton is a small residential village between Chatham Dockyard and Gillingham. Gillingham Green was a small village; eventually it, too, was swallowed up, and the name of the whole settlement changed to Gillingham. Brompton Barracks has been home to the Royal Engineers since 1812, and now houses the Royal Engineers Museum. The Royal School of Military Engineering (RSME) is based at Brompton Barracks