
Chatriyan (The warrior) is a 1990 Indian Tamil crime-drama film written and produced by Mani Ratnam, and directed by K. Subash, assistant of Mani Ratnam. The film stars Vijayakanth, Bhanupriya and Revathi in the lead roles. The film has Vijayakanth playing the role of an honest cop and Thilakan as a corrupt politician in the main villain role. This film is one of the super hit film of early 90's and has attained a cult status The film features a highly acclaimed background score composed by Ilaiyaraaja.


Chatriyan (The warrior) is a 1990 Indian Tamil crime-drama film written and produced by Mani Ratnam, and directed by K. Subash, assistant of Mani Ratnam. The film stars Vijayakanth, Bhanupriya and Revathi in the lead roles. The film has Vijayakanth playing the role of an honest cop and Thilakan as a corrupt politician in the main villain role. This film is one of the super hit film of early 90's and has attained a cult status The film features a highly acclaimed background score composed by Ilaiyaraaja.